At Ecomake, we have collaborated with the Fretex Øst-Norge AS redesign department. Our task was to design a men's denim collection, by reusing worn out jeans. Fretex collects 15,580 tons of textiles every year, with 78% being reused, 20% recycled, and 2% going into energy recovery. With this project we would like to increase the percentage of recycled textile.

The collection consists of a backpack, pencil case, bow-tie, and a tie. The products aim to give men an improved range of products to choose from within Fretex stores, and to attract a wider range of customers interested in purchasing recycled or used clothing. By utilising denim inside-out, we have created a different approach in using this durable material.

Fretex is an inclusive employer, and helps hundreds of people every year to get back into a working life. We have designed templates and instruction manuals for the production of these items, that will assist workers in hand making the products easily and efficiently. This program aims to give the feeling of engagement and pride to workers.

Our intention and goal with this collaboration is to enlighten and provide alternative purchasing opportunities to customers, which are better for the environment. We also want to encourage and give men the opportunity to look fresh while being environmentally friendly. Fretex AS is a wonderful company with a great philosophy which we fully support. We hope this project adds a positive contribution to Fretex, and we hope to inspire others to make more planet-conscious decisions while looking fresh!

We had a close collaboration with the workers at Fretex, to make sure our solutions were fulfilling their needs in the production.

We have designed custom packaging for the collection, which entices and informs potential customers about the environmental benefits of buying recycled and reused products.

Instruction manuals that easily describes the production process for the Fretex redesign workers.
The Ecomake team: Kristine Lundteppen, Malin Kaashagen and me, Vanessa Brokstad.